Offworld trading company

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That’s easy to do if you’re playing in single-player against the competent AI opponents and can pause to examine them at your leisure, but much tougher (and thus more rewarding) in a live multiplayer game where you have to split your attention between observation and managing your own company. Pulling off elaborate industrial sabotage like this takes some keen observation of how the rival company is set up. Watching an opponent’s debt skyrocket and their share price plummet after you shut off their power with an EMP and force them to buy it from the market is a satisfying reward for a job well done alternatively, using a Hacking Array building to artificially inflate the price of power beforehand, then inciting a mutiny in the enemy’s power plant to divert its flow to your supply will both maximize the damage to their ledger and pour cash into your account as you sell off their power for a profit.

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If you can identify where your opponents’ supply chains are weakest, you can send their entire economy into a tailspin by temporarily crippling key production facilities with purchased attacks. “What gives Offworld its depth is how you compete with up to seven other corporations using a randomized set of Black Market attacks and buffs.